require_once("conn.php"); require_once("includes.php"); $q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.PostID = '$_GET[id]' and yellow_categories.CategoryID = yellow_posts.CategoryID and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID "; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); $a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1); if ($a1[City]=="") { $aset[SiteTitle] =$a1[city]. ": " .$a1[CompanyName]; } else { $aset[SiteTitle] =$a1[City]. ": " .$a1[CompanyName]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// Home View Counter Start ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if($a1[AgentID] != $_SESSION[AgentID]) { if(!empty($_COOKIE[RealEstates])) { $CookieArray = explode("|", $_COOKIE[cars]); array_unique($CookieArray); $rev = count($CookieArray); if(!in_array($_GET[id], $CookieArray)) { $NewValue = $_COOKIE[cars]."|".$_GET[id]; setcookie ("yellow", $NewValue); $ch = '1'; } } else { setcookie ("yellow", $_GET[id]); } if($rev == '0' || empty($rev)) { $HomeCount = 1; } else { if(isset($ch)) { $HomeCount = $rev + 1; } else { $HomeCount = $rev; } } $HomeViews = $HomeCount." listings viewed this visit."; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// Home View Counter End ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(empty($i) || $i == '1') { $Image1 = "bg_info2.gif"; $desc = nl2br($a1[resume]); $MyPrice = number_format($a1[Price], 2, ".", "'"); $ShowInfo = "
$a1[CompanyName] $a1[address], $a1[city], $a1[state], $a1[country] "; if(!empty($a1[phone])) { $contacts[] = "Phone: $a1[phone]"; } if(!empty($a1[cellular])) { $contacts[] = "Cellular: $a1[cellular]"; } if(!empty($a1[pager])) { $contacts[] = "Pager: $a1[pager]"; } if(!empty($a1[website])) { $contacts[] = " $a1[website]"; } if(!empty($contacts)) { $ShowContacts = implode(", ", $contacts); } $ShowInfo .= "$ShowContacts | \n|
$desc "; if(!empty($a1[logo])) { //$logo = ""; $logo = ""; } $ShowInfo .= " | \n\t$logo For more information call $a1[FirstName] $a1[LastName] $a1[phone] or click here to email. | \n
"; while(list(,$v) = each($MyImages)) { $ShowInfo .= " \n\n\t"; } $ShowInfo .= " |